Aims and Objectives
To improve the quality of life for everyone through:
- To encourage better relationships between communities.
- To promote Conservative Party’s aims & objectives thereby increasing Conservative votes within the African communities.
- To encourage and support our members to play an active role in their community – such as becoming school governors, trustees of charities, acting as volunteers or standing as Conservative councillors and parliamentarians.
- To fundraise to support the objectives and activities of the Conservative Party.
- To organise and encourage platforms to promote and discuss local political, business, social, and economic issues.
- To promote positive interaction between our members, patrons and The Conservatives & Unionists Party.
- To encourage, meaningful and cordial relationships Highlighting and celebrating the past, present and future importance, success and contribution of the British/Scottish African community to Britain and its culture.
- Build on the enduring values shared between British/Scottish African communities and the Conservative Party.
- To relate with the British/Scottish African communities, and advocate their views within the Conservative Party.
- Promote mutually beneficial investments and Fair trade between Africa, Scotland & Britain as a whole.
- Advocate the Conservative Party’s commitment to every single British/Scottish African community, family and individual.
- Encourage members to actively campaign in elections to ensure when possible the election of Conservative Party candidates at local and national level.
- Support African communities to become more involved in voluntary and representative politics.